Pack the binoculars and
camera, bring plenty of film and prepare for an unparalleled
ocean adventure off Nova Scotia's southern coast. Join Capt.
Walter T. Flower Jr. for an exciting, three-hour, whale watching
tour of the North Atlantic.
Take the Video Tour!
Our 13.7m (45') boat
departs four times a day from the historic waterfront and
Heritage Site of Lunenburg,
Nova Scotia. The Eastern Points is a brand new 13.7m (45')
fibreglass-hulled, vessel equipped with the most modern navigational
aids and safety equipment. The boat was designed for maximum
safety, visibility and comfort; a canopy provides ample protection
from the sun, rain and seaspray.
The whales are magnificent. Sometimes so close, you can touch
them. There are fin, pilot, minke and the favoured humpback
whales. They lunge and dive and blow. And there are dolphins,
ocean sun fish, giant blue fin tuna and leatherback turtles;
and birds
- puffins, razorbills, terns, black guillemot, petrels, shearwaters
and gannets. On our return trip a reef reveals a large population
of seals basking in the sun. For detailed information on 'What
to See' on our tours CLICK HERE.
For those days when the
seas are just too rough for whale watching, Capt. Flower conducts
an informative tour of historic Lunenburg Harbour and the
nearby Ovens Natural Park. The rugged coast is spectacular
and the sea caves at the park are something to behold.
The brightly coloured
buildings that hug the shoreline of the 'old town' of Lunenburg
provide the perfect backdrop for the 'harbour tour' portion
of each trip. It is this section of the historic town that
has been designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations.
There is the Fisheries
Museum of the Atlantic, The Dory Shop, the National Sea
Products Plant, The Bluenose
II in port and a host of local fishing vessels to observe.

From May through October
each year, the Eastern Points sails four times daily: 8:30
a.m., 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. It should be noted
that sailing times may vary periodically because of local
weather conditions or minimum passenger requirements. Call
our ticket booth for the most up-to-date sailing information.